Nachdem wir jetzt schon eine Weile über die Wahrscheinlichkeiten und Unwahrscheinlichkeiten von Sith und Liebe in ihrem Leben diskutiert haben, interessiert mich mangels eigener Spielerfahrung die andere Seite natürlich auch - und die Meinungen der Spieler der "anderen Seite".
Die Wookiepedia ist dazu eine eher verwirrende Quelle, bedenkt man den Artikel über den "Way of Life " eines Jedi. Folgendes habe ich dazu gefunden:
ZitatAlles anzeigenSome time prior to the Great Sith War Jedi were forbidden to hold strong attachments, as they were believed to lead to the emotions of the dark side. For this reason, Jedi were not allowed to marry. Reess Kairn had an attachment, despite this being a violation of the Code. After finding his lover with another man, he killed them both in anger. This led him to the dark side. Anakin Skywalker would become a testament to such Jedi circumspection, as his fear of losing his undisclosed wife, Padmé Amidala, ultimately caused his fall to darkness, but his connection to his son, Luke Skywalker, would later drive him back to the light.
Although Jedi were not required to be chaste as well, many Jedi were abstinent if not outright celibate, due to sex being considered self-indulgence and an unnecessary act. At least one special case was recorded in this arrangement: Ki-Adi-Mundi who, due to low Cerean birth-rates, was permitted to have a polygamous marriage, and fathered seven daughters. Ranik Solusar was disciplined by the Council for his marriage and the child it produced, but was not expelled from the Order.
Despite this restriction, Jedi were known to have secret, clandestine relationships, whether with non-Jedi, such as the marriages of Anakin Skywalker and Padmé Amidala, Quinlan Vos and Khaleen Hentz, Nejaa Halcyon and Scerra Halcyon, and Etain Tur-Mukan and Clone commando Darman Skirata; or within the Jedi Order itself—such as the relationships of Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura, Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Siri Tachi, and Tholme and T'ra Saa. Some were developed even as Padawans, such as Mak Lotor and Kass Tod, who died together, with Tod directly stating there was the Force, death and love. Many of these relationships did not lead to mishap. Further, Revan shared a romantic affection with Bastila Shan, who was redeemed by him after her fall.
Others openly defied the High Council on this matter. This led to particular strife with Jolee Bindo and his wife, Nayama Bindo, during the Great Sith War. Bindo trained his wife in the ways of the Force, but she soon fell to the dark side. He was not expelled from the Order, and instead was to be promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight. He then lost faith in the wisdom of the Council and left the Order.
Up to the Great Sith War, some Jedi did practice marriage and were known to have families of their own. There were even cases of families consisting entirely of Jedi, such as that of Andur Sunrider. The children of Jedi families were often gifted in the Force. Even later in the Order, such families existed—though the continuation of the line was through those family members who did not become Jedi. Famous Jedi families of the late Republic included the Koon family and the Diath family.
Die Tradition der Ehe innerhalb des Ordens wird also recht unterschiedlich gehandhabt, je nach Zeit - aber Erotik selbst ist da nicht unbedingt besprochen worden. Liebe führt zu Bindungen, aber das muss bei Erotik nicht zwangsläufig sein. Was meint ihr, ist Erotik für Jedi noch ein Teil ihres Lebens? Oder behandeln das Jedi unterschiedlicher Ausrichtung verschieden? Kommt es darauf an, wie 'licht' ein Jedi ist? Ist die Meditation und das Leben als disziplinierter Jedi fähig, einen Urinstinkt dauerhaft zu negieren?
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